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my trip to beijing英语作文带翻译(高考英语冠词考查)

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my trip to beijing英语作文带翻译(高考英语冠词考查)


my trip to beijing英语作文带翻译




my trip to beijing英语作文带翻译

my trip to beijing英语作文带翻译

1、Hello!I am Tom。List year ,we went to Beijing 。There are many places of great i-nterest inBeijing 。and we saw lots of beautiful along the ways 。first we visit the museum 。and it was so wonderful that we felt like we was walking through the hist-ory。 and we took quiet a few photos there 。when we went out the museum,we ju-mked up and dowm in excitement 。



1、a用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,例如a pen、a man、a ball,而an则用在元音因素开头的单数可数名词前,例如an orange、an elephant。

2、但是有些单词的首字母虽然是以元音字母开头,但是它的读音确实是以辅音音素开头,这样的单词前面冠词是不可以用an的,而且用a,例如a university一所大学。虽然“university”是以u开头,但是它的读音却是以辅音音素开头的,所以它的前面要用冠词a。




1、教学复习目标 Knowledge aims: 1)Using What"s your name?to ask for others" name. 2)AnswerI"m……let others know who I am. 3 )Ask How are you? to know about greeting each other. 4)To others greetingGood morning!Able aims: 1)Open an interaction by eliciting a response 2)Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual questionsEmotion attitude and values: 1) 通过对I"m……的学习让别人认识自己,并能熟练运用于生活之中. 2)向他人使用问候语Good morning! How are you?等,灵活应用到生活中。 3)询问他人“What"s your name?”以增加彼此间的了解。教学复习重点和难点 Teaching key and difficult points: 1)Review words: insect, jam, kite, lion;mouse, nine, orange, pencil. 2)Review sentences: ----Hello,what"s your name ? ----Good morning,Mr Li. ----How are you? ----Fine,thanks. ----Close the box , please. ----Open the door , please. ----Clean the blackboard , please. ----Clean the table , please. ----Open the window , please. 3)Review phrase: Stand up , 起立; sit down , 坐下; hands up , 举起手; hands down , 放下手; Clap your hands , 拍拍你的手; wave your hands , 挥挥你的手。参考书籍 牛津英语(3A)本次复习内容:Listen and say1)看图说话,读一读,说一说----Hello,what"s your name? 你好,你叫什么名字? ----Hi, I"m Peter. What"s your name? 你好,我叫皮特。你叫什么名字?----Are you Li? 你是凯蒂----No, I"m Alice Wang. ----Close the box , please. 请把盒子合上。 ----Open the door , please. 请把门打开。 ----Clean the blackboard , please. 请把黑板擦干净。----Clean the table , please. 请把桌子擦干净。 ----Open the window , please. 请把窗户打开。 Look and Learn 2)看图识词,辨一辨,读一读 Ii insect Jj jam Kk kite Ll lion Mm mouse Nn nine Oo orange Pp pencil Read and act 记忆,认识并会读一到十。1) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十2) a rubber a ruler a pencil a book a desk a bag3)----Good morning,Miss Li. ----Good morning, Danny. 4)-----Hi, Danny. How are you? ----Fine,thanks. Sing and song 1)Paper ,a pencil. I can see. Paper ,a pencil. For you and me!Stand up, open your books. 站起来,打开你的书。 Sit down, close your books. 坐下,合上你的书。 Hands up, clap your hands. 举起手来,拍拍你的手。 Hands down, wave your hands. 放下手来,挥挥你的手。


1、2Many experts believe that the Internet of Things will____ the next industrial revolution.

2、2Believe it or not, you can find many ways to save money while___ in an expensive area.

3、30.If you want to buy these new devices, you should be clear about___ they can offer.

4、3Smart cities have become increasingly____in city planning over the past 10-15 years.


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